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오늘의 단어 : activity, operation, task, procedure, chore



  1. Word Definition:
    • Noun: Activity refers to any action, process, or movement involving energy or effort. It can encompass a wide range of actions, from physical movements to mental processes.
  2. Synonyms:
    • Action
    • Operation
    • Movement
    • Task
    • Exercise
    • Inactivity
    • Stillness
    • Rest
    • Passivity
    • Dormancy
  3. Example Sentences:
    1. The playground was filled with the joyful activity of children playing.
    2. The company organized team-building activities to enhance collaboration among employees.
    3. Studying brain activity allows researchers to understand cognitive processes.
    4. The daily activity log recorded all tasks completed during the workday.
    5. The city center buzzed with activity as people went about their daily routines.


  1. Word Definition:
    • Noun: Operation refers to a planned activity or series of coordinated actions conducted to achieve a specific purpose or goal. It can also refer to a medical procedure or a military campaign.
  2. Synonyms:
    • Activity
    • Task
    • Mission
    • Exercise
    • Procedure
    • Inactivity
    • Stillness
    • Non-action
    • Dormancy
    • Rest
  3. Example Sentences:
    1. The company carried out a complex operation to streamline its manufacturing process.
    2. The surgical operation was successful, and the patient is now recovering.
    3. The military planned a covert operation to gather intelligence on enemy movements.
    4. The police conducted a joint operation to apprehend the suspects involved in the robbery.
    5. The computer network underwent a routine maintenance operation to enhance performance.


  1. Word Definition:
    • Noun: A task is a piece of work assigned to someone as part of a job or project. It is a specific action or duty that needs to be completed.
  2. Synonyms:
    • Assignment
    • Job
    • Chore
    • Duty
    • Assignment
    • Unemployment
    • Inaction
    • Indolence
    • Neglect
    • Abandonment
  3. Example Sentences:
    1. She was given the task of compiling the weekly progress report.
    2. Completing the research paper was a challenging task, but he managed it successfully.
    3. The team collaborated to accomplish the task of redesigning the company website.
    4. His daily task list included responding to emails, attending meetings, and analyzing data.
    5. The teacher assigned a creative writing task to the students to enhance their storytelling skills.


  1. Word Definition:
    • Noun: A procedure is a series of steps or actions that are followed in a particular order to accomplish a task, achieve a goal, or perform a specific function. It often implies a set of established or systematic instructions.
  2. Synonyms:
    • Process
    • Method
    • Protocol
    • Routine
    • System
    • Chaos
    • Disorder
    • Randomness
    • Unsystematic
    • Informality
  3. Example Sentences:
    1. The medical team followed a standardized procedure during the surgery to ensure precision.
    2. Before using the equipment, it is essential to familiarize yourself with the safety procedures.
    3. The company has a clear procedure for onboarding new employees, ensuring a smooth transition.
    4. The laboratory has strict procedures in place to maintain the integrity of the experiments.
    5. In case of a fire, employees are trained to follow the evacuation procedure outlined in the emergency manual.


  1. Word Definition:
    • Noun: A chore is a routine task or job, typically one that is repetitive or mundane. It is often a regular duty that needs to be done as part of daily or household activities.
  2. Synonyms:
    • Task
    • Duty
    • Assignment
    • Job
    • Errand
    • Pleasure
    • Leisure
    • Amusement
    • Entertainment
    • Recreation
  3. Example Sentences:
    1. Cleaning the house became a shared chore among the roommates.
    2. The children were assigned various chores, including taking out the trash and setting the table.
    3. As part of the daily routine, doing the dishes was a common chore for everyone in the family.
    4. The weekend is often dedicated to tackling household chores such as mowing the lawn and grocery shopping.
    5. Delegating chores in the workplace helps maintain a clean and organized office environment.