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2023년6월1일 고3 모의평가 영어 22번 문제-글의 요지 When it comes to the Internet, it just pays to be a little paranoid (but not a lot). Given the level of anonymity with all that resides on the Internet, it’s sensible to question the validity of any data that you may receive. Typically it’s to our natural instinct when we meet someone coming down a sidewalk to place yourself in some manner of protective position, especially when they introduce t.. 더보기
2023년 6월1일 고3 모의평가 영어 21번 문제-a stick in the bundle 의 의미 ownership as a grouping of interpersonal rights that can be separated and put back together 소유권 을 묶음 개인간의 권리 나누어질수 있고, 함께 다시 모을 수 있는 것. 으로 보는 것을 도와준다 When you say It’s mine in reference to a resource, often that means you own a lot of the sticks that make up the full bundle 나의 것이라는 것의 의미는 참조하는 자원에 관한것, 그것의 의미는 당신이 소유하고 있다는 것 많은 막대기(?)를 전체 묶음을 구성하는 계속 같은 의미의 말이 반복되고 있으므로 결국 그것과 일맥 상통하는 것을 고르면 되겠다.. 더보기
2023년6월1일 고3 모의평가 영어 20번 문제-필자의 주장 Certain hindrances to multifaceted creative activity may lie in premature specialization, i.e., having to choose the direction of education or to focus on developing one ability too early in life. However, development of creative ability in one domain may enhance effectiveness in other domains that require similar skills, and flexible switching between generality and specificity is helpful to pr.. 더보기
2023년 6월 1일 고3 모의평가 영어 19번 문제-심경변화 She was deeply concerned about how much it was going to cost to get her car fixed. concerned라는 말을 보면 바로 걱정(worried)하고 있다는 것을 알수 있다. she felt at ease, knowing she could easily afford it. at ease라는 말을 보면 안심(relived) 하고 있다는 것을 알수 있다. 따라서 답은 ① worried → relieved 더보기
22. 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은? 22. 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은? We can imagine natural numbers as whole objects, things our hunter-gatherer brains can work with. On the other hand, partial numbers ― decimals, fractions, percentages, and ratios ― simply don’t register as real to our minds. We may be able to work with them for a given time when we’re in math mode, but if we’re asked questions at other times, we tend to have trouble gra.. 더보기
2022년 고등학교 3학년 3월 모의고사 영어 18번 지문 다음 글의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은? Dear Lorenzo Romano, I heard from Antonio Ricci of Rome that you are producing handmade gloves for export in a variety of natural leathers. I read about your business on your website. There is a steady demand in my country for high quality leather gloves, and I am able to charge good prices. Please let me know full details of the gloves you would recommend. It would also he.. 더보기
