단어공부 썸네일형 리스트형 오늘의 단어 : rite, burden, saliva, parchedness "rite": Word Definition: Noun: A rite is a formal or ceremonial act or procedure that is often part of a religious or cultural tradition. It can also refer to any prescribed social or customary observance. Synonyms: Ceremony Ritual Ceremony Observance Tradition Antonyms: Informality Unconventionality Irreverence Deviation Departure Example Sentences: The wedding rite included traditional vows an.. 더보기 오늘의 단어: ancestral, hereditary, ritual, onus, absolution "ancestral": Word Definition: Adjective: Ancestral refers to something connected with or inherited from one's ancestors. It often pertains to characteristics, traditions, or possessions passed down through generations. Synonyms: Hereditary Inherited Lineal Patrimonial Family Antonyms: Contemporary Modern Current Present-day New Example Sentences: The family gathered at the ancestral home for a r.. 더보기 오늘의 영단어 - fixate, gaze, avert,facilitate "fixate": Word Definition: Verb: To focus one's attention or gaze intensely on something. Verb: To become obsessed with or preoccupied by a particular subject or emotion. Synonyms: Concentrate Obsess Center Fascinate Engross Antonyms: Distract Divert Disperse Neglect Ignore Example Sentences: During the meditation session, she tried to fixate her mind on a single calming thought. Some individual.. 더보기 오늘의 단어 : suppress, restrain, selective, discern "suppress": Word Definition: Verb: To forcibly put an end to something; to restrain, prevent, or inhibit. Verb: To consciously hold back or control certain thoughts, feelings, or actions. Synonyms: Repress Quash Inhibit Subdue Control Antonyms: Promote Encourage Allow Release Express Sentences: The government attempted to suppress the protest, leading to clashes with demonstrators. It's importan.. 더보기 오늘의 단어 : activity, operation, task, procedure, chore "activity": Word Definition: Noun: Activity refers to any action, process, or movement involving energy or effort. It can encompass a wide range of actions, from physical movements to mental processes. Synonyms: Action Operation Movement Task Exercise Antonyms: Inactivity Stillness Rest Passivity Dormancy Example Sentences: The playground was filled with the joyful activity of children playing. .. 더보기 오늘의 단어 : active, energetic, dynamic, vibrant "active": Word Definition: Adjective: Engaged in action or characterized by energetic movement; not passive or idle. Adjective: In operation; functioning. Adjective: Characterized by quick, effective movement or activity. Synonyms: Energetic Dynamic Vigorous Lively Busy Antonyms: Inactive Passive Dormant Idle Sluggish Example Sentences: The children were encouraged to lead an active lifestyle, e.. 더보기 오늘의 단어: action, behavior, demeanor, attitude "action": Word Definition: Noun: The process or state of doing something; a deed, act, or series of acts. Noun: Something done, especially for a particular purpose or effect. Noun: The exertion of force or influence; movement or change. Synonyms: Deed Activity Operation Performance Behavior Antonyms: Inaction Inactivity Passivity Rest Stillness Example Sentences: Taking immediate action is cruci.. 더보기 오늘의 단어 : act, deed, conduct, feat "act": Word Definition: Noun: A deed, action, or something done; a specific behavior or conduct. Noun: A segment of a play, film, opera, or other performance, representing a unit of the storyline. Verb: To take action; to do something for a specific purpose. Synonyms: Noun: Deed Action Performance Feat Conduct Verb: Perform Execute Carry out Undertake Behave Antonyms: Noun: Inaction Inactivity S.. 더보기 이전 1 2 다음