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20230906-고1- 전국 연합 학력 평가 43~45번 문제



 Long ago, an old man built a grand temple at the center of his 

village. People traveled to worship at the temple. So the old man 

made arrangements for food and accommodation inside the 

temple itself. He needed someone who could look after the 

temple, so (a) he put up a notice: Manager needed.



 When that young man left the temple, the old man called him 

and asked, “Will you take care of this temple?” The young man 

was surprised by the offer and replied, “I have no experience 

caring for a temple. I’m not even educated.” The old man smiled 

and said, “I don’t want any educated man. I want a qualified 

person.” Confused, the young man asked, “But why do (b)you

consider me a qualified person?”


 The old man replied, “I buried a brick on the path to the temple. 

I watched for many days as people tripped over that brick. No 

one thought to remove it. But you dug up that brick.” The young 

man said, “I haven’t done anything great. It’s the duty of every 

human being to think about others. (c) I only did my duty.” The 

old man smiled and said, “Only people who know their duty and 

perform it are qualified people.” 



 Seeing the notice, many people went to the old man. But he 

returned all the applicants after interviews, telling them, “I need 

a qualified person for this work.” The old man would sit on the 

roof of (d) his house every morning, watching people go through 

the temple doors. One day, (e) he saw a young man come to the 



(간단 내용 정리)

노인이 사원을 짓고, 매니저를 찾음, 많은 사람들이 찾아 왔지만, 모두 통과를 못함

그러다 한 사람을 발견해서 채용하고자 함, 그 남자는 매니저 경험이 없다고 하지만, 노인은 그 사람이 길에 박힌 돌을 제거하는 모습을 보고, 채용하고자 함, 자신이 해야 할 일을 알고 그것을 실행하는 사람이 자격을 갖춘 사람.



사원을 짓고, 매니저 공고를 붙임(A)

-> 공고를 본사람들이 옴, 온 사람들은 불합격, 젊은 사람을 발견함 (D)

-> 그 젊은이를 불러서 채용하겠다고 함,  젊은이는 경험이 없다고 하고, 왜 자격을 갖춘 사람이라고 보는지 물음(B)

-> 돌을 치운 사람, 즉 할일을 알고, 그 일을 한 사람이 자격을 갖춘 사람이라고 함(C)


a,b, d, e는 노인, c는 젊은이



길에 묻혀 있던 벽돌을 파낸것은 젊은이가 한일 입니다.