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오늘의 단어 :accept, embrace, acknowledge, appreciate, reject



  1. Word Definition:
    • Verb: To agree to receive or undertake something that is offered or given; to say yes to an offer.
    • Verb: To believe or come to recognize a fact or truth.
  2. Synonyms:
    • Receive
    • Embrace
    • Take
    • Admit
    • Acknowledge
    • Reject
    • Refuse
    • Decline
    • Deny
    • Disapprove
  3. Example Sentences:
    1. She decided to accept the job offer and join the company as a marketing specialist.
    2. The team was quick to accept the challenge of organizing the event.
    3. Despite initial hesitation, he eventually chose to accept the responsibility of leading the project.
    4. It's important to accept feedback graciously to foster personal and professional growth.
    5. The committee unanimously voted to accept the proposal for the community development project.


  1. Word Definition:
    • Verb: To hold someone closely in one's arms, usually as a gesture of affection.
    • Verb: To accept or support willingly and enthusiastically; to adopt or welcome.
  2. Synonyms:
    • Hug
    • Clasp
    • Cuddle
    • Accept
    • Adopt
    • Reject
    • Refuse
    • Shun
    • Avoid
    • Repel
  3. Example Sentences:
    1. They decided to embrace each other tightly after being reunited.
    2. The community was quick to embrace the new initiative for environmental conservation.
    3. In challenging times, it's important to embrace the support of friends and family.
    4. The artist chose to embrace abstract forms in her latest collection, departing from traditional styles.
    5. The organization aims to embrace diversity and inclusion in its policies and practices.


  1. Word Definition:
    • Verb: To admit the existence, truth, or fact of something.
    • Verb: To recognize or express gratitude for a comment, gesture, or achievement.
  2. Synonyms:
    • Admit
    • Recognize
    • Confirm
    • Accept
    • Appreciate
    • Deny
    • Ignore
    • Disregard
    • Overlook
    • Reject
  3. Example Sentences:
    1. He was quick to acknowledge his mistake and apologized for the confusion.
    2. The company sent a letter to acknowledge the receipt of the job application.
    3. It's important to acknowledge the efforts of the team members in achieving project milestones.
    4. She took a moment to acknowledge the beauty of the sunset before continuing her walk.
    5. The author used the preface to acknowledge the contributions of those who supported the book's creation.


  1. Word Definition:
    • Verb: To recognize the value, significance, or quality of something.
    • Verb: To be grateful for or thankful for something.
  2. Synonyms:
    • Value
    • Recognize
    • Understand
    • Acknowledge
    • Enjoy
    • Disregard
    • Underestimate
    • Devalue
    • Ignore
    • Overlook
  3. Example Sentences:
    1. She took a moment to appreciate the beauty of the artwork in the museum.
    2. The team leader made it a point to appreciate the hard work and dedication of each team member.
    3. It's essential to appreciate the support and encouragement received from friends and family.
    4. The teacher encouraged students to appreciate the importance of continuous learning.
    5. Despite the challenges, he learned to appreciate the lessons and growth that came with overcoming obstacles.


  1. Word Definition:
    • Verb: To refuse to accept, consider, or acknowledge something.
    • Noun: Something or someone that has been rejected.
  2. Synonyms:
    • Verb:
      • Decline
      • Refuse
      • Disapprove
      • Dismiss
      • Turn down
    • Noun:
      • Rejection
      • Refusal
      • Declination
      • Non-acceptance
      • Denial
    • Verb:
      • Accept
      • Approve
      • Embrace
      • Admit
      • Allow
    • Noun:
      • Acceptance
      • Approval
      • Embrace
      • Admission
      • Inclusion
  3. Example Sentences:
    1. Despite the tempting offer, she had to reject the job as it required relocating.
    2. The manuscript was submitted to multiple publishers, but most chose to reject it.
    3. The committee decided to reject the proposal due to concerns about its feasibility.
    4. He chose to reject the criticism and focus on his own vision for the project.
    5. The product did not meet the quality standards, leading the company to reject the entire batch.