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오늘의 단어 : accident, mishap, misfortune, hardship



  1. Word Definition:
    • Noun: An unfortunate incident that happens unexpectedly and unintentionally, typically resulting in harm or damage.
    • Noun: Something that occurs by chance or without a deliberate plan.
  2. Synonyms:
    • Mishap
    • Incident
    • Collision
    • Misfortune
    • Unintentional event
    • Intentional act
    • Deliberate action
    • Planned event
    • Purposeful act
    • Design
  3. Example Sentences:
    1. The car crash was a tragic accident caused by a momentary lapse in attention.
    2. Dropping the fragile vase was a regrettable accident that occurred while cleaning.
    3. The spill on the kitchen floor was a simple accident, but it resulted in a minor injury.
    4. The bridge collapse was a catastrophic accident that led to a thorough investigation.
    5. Sometimes, the best discoveries happen by accident rather than through careful planning.


  1. Word Definition:
    • Noun: An unfortunate or unlucky accident, especially a minor one.
  2. Synonyms:
    • Accident
    • Misfortune
    • Setback
    • Misadventure
    • Blunder
    • Success
    • Triumph
    • Fortunate event
    • Accomplishment
    • Victory
  3. Example Sentences:
    1. The minor car collision was just a small mishap, and no one was injured.
    2. Spilling coffee on her presentation notes was an unexpected mishap before the important meeting.
    3. Despite the technical mishap, the team managed to complete the project on time.
    4. The sudden rainstorm turned the outdoor event into a series of comical mishaps.
    5. The magician's performance was filled with delightful mishaps that added humor to the show.


  1. Word Definition:
    • Noun: Bad luck or an unfortunate condition or event; an instance of bad fortune.
  2. Synonyms:
    • Adversity
    • Hardship
    • Calamity
    • Unluckiness
    • Adverseness
    • Fortune
    • Luck
    • Success
    • Prosperity
    • Good fortune
  3. Example Sentences:
    1. The unexpected loss of his job was a significant misfortune during a difficult time.
    2. She faced a series of personal misfortunes but remained resilient in overcoming challenges.
    3. The sudden illness was a great misfortune that affected the entire family.
    4. Despite the financial misfortune, they found strength in their close-knit community.
    5. The historical figure endured numerous misfortunes but still made lasting contributions to society.


  1. Word Definition:
    • Noun: A condition of severe suffering, difficulty, or deprivation; a state of adversity.
  2. Synonyms:
    • Difficulty
    • Adversity
    • Misery
    • Tribulation
    • Struggle
    • Comfort
    • Ease
    • Prosperity
    • Affluence
    • Luxury
  3. Example Sentences:
    1. The economic downturn brought about financial hardship for many families.
    2. The refugees endured significant hardships as they sought safety and stability.
    3. Overcoming personal hardships, she emerged stronger and more resilient.
    4. The novel explores the characters' journey through various hardships and challenges.
    5. The community organized relief efforts to support those facing unexpected hardships.