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오늘의 단어 : accurate, precise, exact, unerring



  1. Word Definition:
    • Adjective: Free from error; conforming exactly to truth or to a standard; precise.
  2. Synonyms:
    • Precise
    • Exact
    • Correct
    • True
    • Right
    • Inaccurate
    • Incorrect
    • Wrong
    • Untrue
    • Imprecise
  3. Example Sentences:
    1. The scientist conducted multiple experiments to ensure the accurate measurement of the data.
    2. It's important to provide accurate information in a research paper to maintain credibility.
    3. The GPS system provided an accurate representation of the location, guiding them precisely.
    4. The historian strived to present an accurate account of the historical events in the book.
    5. The architect used precise measurements to create an accurate blueprint for the construction project.


  1. Word Definition:
    • Adjective: Clearly expressed or delineated; exact in measurement, time, or definition.
  2. Synonyms:
    • Accurate
    • Exact
    • Specific
    • Clear-cut
    • Unambiguous
    • Inaccurate
    • Imprecise
    • Vague
    • Ambiguous
    • Approximate
  3. Example Sentences:
    1. The instructions provided were precise, ensuring that everyone followed the procedure accurately.
    2. The scientist used precise instruments to measure the temperature with high accuracy.
    3. The chef emphasized the importance of using precise measurements in the recipe for optimal results.
    4. The engineer drafted a precise blueprint for the construction of the intricate structure.
    5. The professor appreciated the student's precise articulation of complex concepts during the presentation.


  1. Word Definition:
    • Adjective: Strictly accurate or correct; characterized by precision.
    • Verb: To demand and obtain by force or authority; to call for or require.
  2. Synonyms:
    • Adjective:
      • Precise
      • Accurate
      • Unerring
      • Perfect
      • True
    • Verb:
      • Demand
      • Require
      • Command
      • Obtain
      • Extract
    • Adjective:
      • Inaccurate
      • Approximate
      • Imprecise
    • Verb:
      • Give
      • Offer
      • Grant
      • Relinquish
  3. Example Sentences:
    1. The architect provided an exact measurement for the dimensions of the room.
    2. The detective wanted an exact account of the events leading up to the incident.
    3. To exact justice, the legal system must carefully consider the evidence presented.
    4. The clock in the town square displayed the exact time for everyone to synchronize their watches.
    5. The teacher instructed the students to be exact in their calculations to achieve accurate results.


  1. Word Definition:
    • Adjective: Making no mistakes; faultless; infallible.
  2. Synonyms:
    • Infallible
    • Flawless
    • Accurate
    • Perfect
    • Faultless
    • Fallible
    • Imperfect
    • Erring
    • Unreliable
    • Mistake-prone
  3. Example Sentences:
    1. Her unerring sense of direction led the group through the maze without any wrong turns.
    2. The mathematician's unerring calculations were crucial in the success of the space mission.
    3. The detective's unerring intuition helped solve even the most complex cases.
    4. The artist had an unerring eye for color, creating vibrant and harmonious compositions.
    5. The coach's unerring ability to identify talent played a key role in the team's success.