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오늘의 단어 : ache, sore,throbbing, twinge



  1. Word Definition:
    • Noun: A continuous, dull pain or discomfort.
    • Verb: To experience a continuous, dull pain.
  2. Synonyms:
    • Noun:
      • Pain
      • Soreness
      • Discomfort
      • Throbbing
      • Suffering
    • Verb:
      • Hurt
      • Suffer
      • Smart
      • Twinge
      • Throb
    • Noun:
      • Relief
      • Comfort
      • Ease
    • Verb:
      • Comfort
      • Relieve
      • Soothe
  3. Example Sentences:
    1. After the long hike, she felt a persistent ache in her legs.
    2. Stress and tension often lead to headaches and muscle aches.
    3. The patient complained of an ache in his lower back that persisted for weeks.
    4. Sitting in the same position for hours can cause stiffness and aches in the neck and shoulders.
    5. The dentist recommended a mild pain reliever for the tooth ache until the appointment.


  1. Word Definition:
    • Adjective: Painful or sensitive to the touch; causing discomfort or pain.
    • Noun: A painful or sensitive spot on the body, especially as a result of injury or irritation.
  2. Synonyms:
    • Adjective:
      • Tender
      • Painful
      • Aching
      • Raw
      • Inflamed
    • Noun:
      • Wound
      • Injury
      • Lesion
      • Bruise
      • Cut
    • Adjective:
      • Comfortable
      • Pain-free
      • Insensitive
    • Noun:
      • Wellness
      • Healing
  3. Example Sentences:
    1. After the intense workout, her muscles were sore for days.
    2. He applied a soothing ointment to the sore area to alleviate the pain.
    3. The athlete rested to allow his sore muscles to recover from the strenuous training.
    4. The child cried out in pain when the nurse touched the sore spot on his arm.
    5. A cold compress can provide relief for a sore throat caused by inflammation.


  1. Word Definition:
    • Adjective: Pulsating or beating with a strong, rhythmic sensation, often associated with pain.
  2. Synonyms:
    • Pulsating
    • Beating
    • Pounding
    • Thumping
    • Palpitating
    • Calm
    • Still
    • Stable
    • Unpulsating
  3. Example Sentences:
    1. The throbbing pain in her temples indicated a severe headache.
    2. His injured finger was throbbing with pain after the accident.
    3. The patient complained of a throbbing sensation in his chest during the stressful situation.
    4. The dentist identified the source of the toothache as a throbbing nerve.
    5. The music had a throbbing beat that resonated throughout the entire concert hall.


  1. Word Definition:
    • Noun: A sudden, sharp, and brief pain or emotion.
    • Verb: To feel a sudden, sharp pain or emotion.
  2. Synonyms:
    • Noun:
      • Pang
      • Spasm
      • Sting
      • Jolt
      • Twitch
    • Verb:
      • Stab
      • Stinge
      • Twitch
      • Smart
      • Prick
    • Noun:
      • Relief
      • Comfort
      • Soothing
    • Verb:
      • Soothe
      • Alleviate
      • Ease
  3. Example Sentences:
    1. As he bent down to pick up the box, he felt a sudden twinge in his lower back.
    2. The memory of the accident caused a twinge of anxiety every time she drove past the intersection.
    3. With each step, a twinge of pain shot through his injured ankle.
    4. The unexpected news brought a twinge of sadness to her heart.
    5. A twinge of guilt passed through him when he realized he had forgotten their anniversary.