[43 ~ 45] 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.
There were two neighbors living next to each other. One was a
professor and the other was a merchant who had an unmotivated
son. Both of them had planted the same kind of plant in each of
their gardens. The professor gave a small amount of water to his
plants and didn’t always give his full attention to them.
Meanwhile, in the merchant’s garden, the merchant gave a lot of
water to (a) his plants and looked after them well.
The merchant was surprised to see this because he thought he
had given his plants better care than the professor. He went to
his neighbor and said, “Only (b) my plants came out from the
roots. How is that possible?” The professor smiled and said,
“You gave your plants so much attention and water that they
didn’t need to work for themselves.” “Is that really a problem?”
said the merchant with a curious look on (c) his face.
The professor continued his explanation, “I gave my plants just
an adequate amount of water and let their roots search for more.
Their roots went deeper and grew stronger.” At that moment, the
merchant recalled the image of (d) his son, still lazy and
dependent on his parents. “Is that how you approach teaching?”
asked the merchant. The professor said, “Yes. Students are like
plants. Sometimes guiding is better than giving.” Nodding silently,
the merchant began to rethink what education is.
The professor’s plants were simple but looked good, while the
merchant’s plants were much fuller and greener. One night, there
was a heavy storm. After the storm was over, both of the
neighbors inspected the damage to their gardens. The merchant
saw that his plants had come out from the roots and were totally
destroyed by the storm. But, the plants of (e) his neighbor were
not damaged at all and were standing firm.
43. 주어진 글 (A)에 이어질 내용을 순서에 맞게 배열한 것으로 가장
적절한 것은?
① (B) - (D) - (C) ② (C) - (B) - (D)
③ (C) - (D) - (B) ④ (D) - (B) - (C)
⑤ (D) - (C) - (B)
44. 밑줄 친 (a)~(e) 중에서 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?
① (a) ② (b) ③ (c) ④ (d) ⑤ (e)
45. 윗글에 관한 내용으로 적절하지 않은 것은?
① 교수와 상인은 각자의 정원에 같은 종류의 식물을 심었다.
② 상인은 자신이 교수보다 식물을 더 잘 보살폈다고 생각했다.
③ 교수는 학생들이 식물과 같다고 말했다.
④ 상인은 교육이 무엇인지 다시 생각해 보기 시작했다.
⑤ 상인의 식물은 폭풍으로 인한 손상을 입지 않았다.