5 형식은 '주어+동사+목적어+목적보어'의 구조를 가집니다.
이러한 형식으로 사용되는 동사는 사역동사, 지각동사 등이 유명하며, 또한 목적어 보어 자리에 to 부정사를 쓰는 동사들이 많이 있습니다. 그래서 이와 같이 목적보어 자리에 to 부정사가 오는 동사들과 그 예문을 찾아보았습니다.
- Advice:
- I advised my friend to study for the upcoming exam.
- 나는 내 친구에게 다가올 시험을 위해 공부하라고 조언했다.
- I advised my friend to study for the upcoming exam.
- Allow:
- The teacher allowed the students to work in groups.
- 선생님은 학생들에게 그룹으로 일하도록 허락했다.
- The teacher allowed the students to work in groups.
- Ask:
- She asked her colleague to assist her with the project.
- 그녀는 동료에게 프로젝트를 돕도록 부탁했다.
- She asked her colleague to assist her with the project.
- Tell:
- The manager told the team to complete the task by the end of the day.
- 매니저는 팀에게 오늘 종료까지 작업을 완료하라고 말했다.
- The manager told the team to complete the task by the end of the day.
- Cause:
- The heavy rain caused the river to overflow its banks.
- 폭우로 인해 강이 댐을 넘어 넘치게 만들었다.
- The heavy rain caused the river to overflow its banks.
- Enable:
- The new software enables users to customize their profiles.
- 새로운 소프트웨어는 사용자가 자신의 프로필을 맞춤 설정할 수 있도록 한다.
- The new software enables users to customize their profiles.
- Encourage:
- The coach encouraged the team to give their best effort.
- 코치는 팀에게 최선을 다하도록 격려했다.
- The coach encouraged the team to give their best effort.
- Expect:
- I expect my employees to be punctual for the meeting.
- 나는 회의에 시간을 지키도록 직원들에게 기대한다.
- I expect my employees to be punctual for the meeting.
- Force:
- The storm forced residents to evacuate their homes.
- 폭풍은 주민들에게 자택을 대피하도록 강제했다.
- The storm forced residents to evacuate their homes.
- Get:
- She got her brother to help her with the household chores.
- 그녀는 동생에게 집안일을 도와달라고 부탁했다.
- She got her brother to help her with the household chores.
- Help:
- The teacher helped the students to understand the complex topic.
- 선생님은 학생들이 복잡한 주제를 이해하도록 도왔다.
- The teacher helped the students to understand the complex topic.
- Need:
- I need my assistant to prepare the presentation slides.
- 나는 제품 프리젠테이션 슬라이드를 준비하도록 내 보조에게 필요하다.
- I need my assistant to prepare the presentation slides.
- Order:
- The boss ordered the employees to attend the mandatory training session.
- 상사는 직원들에게 필수 교육 세션에 참석하도록 명령했다.
- The boss ordered the employees to attend the mandatory training session.
- Persuade:
- He persuaded his friend to join him on the adventure trip.
- 그는 친구를 설득하여 모험 여행에 참여하게 했다.
- He persuaded his friend to join him on the adventure trip.
- Require:
- The job requires candidates to have relevant experience.
- 그 직업은 지원자들이 관련 경험이 있어야 한다.
- The job requires candidates to have relevant experience.
- Teach:
- The professor taught the students to analyze data using statistical methods.
- 교수는 학생들에게 통계적 방법을 사용하여 데이터를 분석하는 법을 가르쳤다.
- The professor taught the students to analyze data using statistical methods.
- Want:
- I want my team to submit their reports by the end of the week.
- 나는 내 팀에게 주간 종료까지 보고서를 제출하길 원한다.
- I want my team to submit their reports by the end of the week.
- Would like:
- She would like her colleagues to attend the team-building workshop.
- 그녀는 동료들에게 팀 빌딩 워크숍에 참석하길 희망한다.
- She would like her colleagues to attend the team-building workshop.
다음 문장을 5형식 형태로 구조화해보세요.
(5 형식 동사는 굵은 글씨로, 목적어는 밑줄 긋기, to동사원형은 이탤릭체로)
- She advised her friend to study for the upcoming exam.
- The teacher allowed the students to use calculators during the math test.
- I asked my neighbor to water the plants while I was away.
- The manager told the team to submit their reports by Friday.
- The heavy rain caused the river to overflow its banks.
- The new software update enables users to customize their profiles.
- The coach encouraged the players to give their best on the field.
- I expect you to complete the project before the deadline.
- The strong wind forced the doors to slam shut.
- She got her brother to help her with the household chores.
- The tutorial helped me to understand the complex concept.
- I need you to pick up some groceries on your way home.
- The sergeant ordered the soldiers to stand at attention.
- He persuaded his colleagues to support the new proposal.
- The job position requires candidates to have strong communication skills.
- The professor taught the students to critically analyze research papers.
- I want you to join us for dinner tonight.
- She would like her team to participate in the upcoming competition.
(그래서 해보았습니다.)
She advised her friend to study for the upcoming exam.
The teacher allowed the students to use calculators during the math test.
I asked my neighbor to water the plants while I was away.
The manager told the team to submit their reports by Friday.
The heavy rain caused the river to overflow its banks.
The new software update enables users to customize their profiles.
The coach encouraged the players to give their best on the field.
I expect you to complete the project before the deadline.
The strong wind forced the doors to slam shut.
She got her brother to help her with the household chores.
The tutorial helped me to understand the complex concept.
I need you to pick up some groceries on your way home.
The sergeant ordered the soldiers to stand at attention.
He persuaded his colleagues to support the new proposal.
The job position requires candidates to have strong communication skills.
The professor taught the students to critically analyze research papers.
I want you to join us for dinner tonight.
She would like her team to participate in the upcoming competition.